356 East Bank Demerara, GeorgeTown, Guyana info@3guyana.com

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+52 33 3496 8861



It is a Mexican business group with operations in Georgetown, Guyana. It participates in the environmental, energy, air transport, technological and goods and services areas in the South American country.

Business Consulting
Operations in Guyana
Market Capture
What do we do?

Our services

We accompany our strategic partners in obtaining business opportunities in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

Our Group, through our subsidiary ARES CONSTRUCTION CONSORTIUM, we can provide gravel stones and other materials with high quality from the best carries in Mexico. We we supply by ships of 30 thousand tons per trip, for this reason the minimum purchase is 30 thousand tons. Prices will improve according to high volumen.

We support the completion of procedures before the corresponding authority to register the company in this South American country.

GGG has developed a number of ties with the Guyanese authorities so that they are attentive to all the needs of the government in this developing nation.

GGG's networking offers a series of connections with local entrepreneurs who are also requiring high quality goods and services.

The office in Guyana is aware of both public and private tenders and evaluates the possibilities of participation, supporting our clients with the necessary paperwork to be part of them.

Respect for the environment in the midst of such drastic development is necessary to achieve sustainable growth in the face of the environmental beauty that is found due to its proximity to the Amazon jungle.

Guyana, the great opportunity to do business.

What happens in Guyana?
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Our Partner's

Construction consortium with extensive experience in civil works and public works. He has participated in the execution of great works in Mexico. Now his experience reaches Guyana.

Developer of technological solutions ensuring compliance through innovation, any technological requirement, integrating and adapting solutions to enhance the growth of their businesses.

This company offers sustainability service with a team of credible engineers and scientists with a turnkey solution for any business that needs to control the environment. With environmental engineering, environmental studies, history for the environment, circular economy solutions for a zero emission environmental impact.


Ambassador of Mexico in Guyana

Jalisco continues to strengthen ties

Ambassador of Guyana Visits City Hall of Guadalajara